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Selwyn Men

Based in Rolleston, Canterbury

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Led by Malcolm Scott, with guidance from Jonathan, Selwyn Men brings a range of Emotional Health & Wellbeing initiatives, education and support, with access to affordable counselling, for men residing or working in the Selwyn district.

Men’s relationships – son, brother, partner, father, mates, worker, boss…

Typically men are not great at talking about relationships or what we feel. How we feel about ourselves, what we feel about others, and how we express our feelings can be life enhancing and socially enriching.

Male stereotyping tends to hinder men’s emotional sensitivity and growth (Be a bloke, Man Up)… yeah, nah. There’s more to being a man than this… Unexpressed, supressed or depressed feelings can be personally destructive or socially harmful when unacknowledged or hidden, and
overwhelming if left unsupported, uncared for, or criticized.


Here at Selwyn Men you’ll find a group where you can explore feelings, have a laugh, go deep or go light… whatever you need for emotional health and wellbeing.
Malcolm Scott is an experienced counsellor and therapist who knows well the journey of growth to emotional wellbeing… he’s had to learn this himself and knows how painful it can be acknowledging inner hurt, rejection, or feelings of failure… something every man encounters at some point in their life and growth, and support is here for you.

Ways to connect with Malcolm:

Men’s Wellbeing Support Group – meeting the 1 st Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm in Rolleston. Come along, no booking needed – no fee for your first session.

Workplace Counselling – If you work in the Selwyn district talk to your boss about getting Malcolm to come visit your worksite. One-to-one counselling sessions, staff mentoring, or a Health and Wellbeing Seminar that the whole team can attend. This can really lift staff morale and help people feel better about coming to work, and enjoy being at work more.

Personal counselling sessions – for you, or relationship counselling with your partner. Private and by appointment.

To contact Malcolm

Phone: +64 021 1015 145


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